NPR Corrections : NPR

NPR Corrections

NPR corrects significant errors in broadcast and online reports. Corrections of errors will be made in audio archives, written transcripts and on the website. To report an error, please use our corrections form.

Weekend Edition Saturday

Time, Memory and Proust

Corrected on 2006-01-14T13:02:46-05:00

The audio for this story misidentifies the nationality of the philosopher Seneca. He was Roman.
All Things Considered

Possible Knight Ridder Sale Brings Unlikely Suitors

Corrected on 2005-12-30T16:28:48-05:00

NPR initially reported that Pew Charitable Trusts CEO Rebecca Rimel said Pew was considering whether to try to bid for the Philadelphia Inquirer. In fact, Rimel says Pew intends to serve as a catalyst for civic leaders in Philadelphia to help ensure that any new ownership of the Inquirer would serve readers well.
Morning Edition

EU Launches Satellite in Galileo Project

Corrected on 2005-12-30T11:13:41-05:00

The accuracy of the U.S. Global Positioning System, or GPS, is no longer limited for security reasons, as reported. The GPS can now pinpoint locations within three feet.
All Things Considered

Memoir Recalls 'My Fundamentalist Education'

Corrected on 2005-12-29T00:00:00-05:00

In this story, we incorrectly identified a passage of the Bible. The prophecy of Mary discussed in this interview with Christine Rosen appears in the Old Testament, not the New Testament.
All Things Considered

Charlie Haden: 'Not in Our Name'

Corrected on 2006-01-04T13:23:21-05:00

In this story, jazz musician Charlie Haden incorrectly stated that he produced music in 1968 to protest Richard Nixon's bombing of Cambodia. Nixon did not become president until 1969 and the bombing of Cambodia began in February of that year. Haden adds: "I mistakenly noted the recording date as 1968 -- when I meant the Orchestra was formed then, and that first album was recorded in 1969 -- as the LP/CD clearly states. The sequence of events is important in that the onset of Nixon’s unauthorized bombing of Cambodia pre-dated the first Liberation Music Orchestra recording and the release of the LP/CD, and was the catalyst for me being more determined than ever to follow through with the recording of the music I had been writing. That event -- listening to the news of the bombing on my car radio on WBAI -- and my sadness and outrage about that and my ensuing determination to produce the recording -- remains very clear in my memory."
Weekend Edition Saturday

Did Melville Borrow the Idea for 'Moby Dick'?

Corrected on 2006-01-14T13:01:32-05:00

The audio for this story gives the wrong year for the publication of the novel Redburn. It was published in 1849.
Weekend Edition Saturday

The Artistry of Conductor James Levine

Corrected on 2007-11-06T16:10:26-05:00

The composer Arnold Schonberg's nationality is misidentified in the audio for this story. He was born in Austria.
Morning Edition

Previously Banned Items Now Allowed on Planes

Corrected on 2005-12-30T11:16:21-05:00

Pocket knives are still banned by the Transportation Safety Administration, contrary to what was reported in this story.
Fresh Air

Shaping Character and Destinies: John McCain

Corrected on 2005-12-08T00:00:00-05:00

Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio has not resigned, as is erroneously stated in this interview. The congressman is in fact running for reelection.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Algerian Revolution Echoes in French Violence

Corrected on 2005-12-14T18:52:40-05:00

The audio of this story gave the wrong years for the Algerian revolution. It lasted from 1954 to 1962.
All Things Considered

W.Va. Floods Offer Lessons for Katrina Victims

Corrected on 2006-03-14T17:02:44-05:00

We reported that 11 inches of rain fell in four hours on the day of the flooding. But a rain gauge was malfunctioning, and the actual rainfall was about half that amount.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Political Fireworks Erupt in Washington over Iraq

Corrected on 2005-11-22T17:49:09-05:00

In this interview, NPR's Ron Elving misstated the charge in the indictment of I. Lewis Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby was indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with the exposure of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity. Libby was not indicted for revealing Plame's identity.
All Things Considered

Intelligent Design and Academic Freedom

Corrected on 2005-11-17T17:58:18-05:00

The audio of this story incorrectly identified Guillermo Gonzalez as an untenured professor at the University of Iowa. Gonzalez teaches at Iowa State University, and it was there that his colleagues signed a petition criticizing intelligent design.
Morning Edition

Cruel Retirement for Racehorses

Corrected on 2005-11-11T10:21:55-05:00

In this commentary, Rep. John Sweeney (R-NY) was incorrectly identified as a Democrat.
All Things Considered

Rice Pushes More Hands-On Role for U.S. Diplomats

Corrected on 2005-11-18T19:35:44-05:00

We incorrectly identified John Negroponte's title in the broadcast version of this story. His proper title is Director of National Intelligence.
Morning Edition

Bioterror Sensors Yield Curious Findings

Corrected on 2005-11-09T17:51:32-05:00

The Department of Homeland Security says that the Biowatch system detected the Francisella tularensis bacterium in Texas, not a close relative as reported.
All Things Considered

Take One: President Bush via Satellite

Corrected on 2005-10-19T10:45:13-04:00

In the audio for this story, Master Sgt. Corine Lombardo's rank is incorrectly referred to as that of a Sgt. Major.
Morning Edition

Space Community Looks to the Next Lunar Vehicles

Corrected on 2005-10-14T10:07:19-04:00

Scott Horowitz, who is interviewed in this story, is no longer at ATK Thiokol. He joined NASA last month as associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate.
Weekend Edition Saturday

Revised 'Paris Review' Attracts Critics

Corrected on 2005-10-15T15:04:41-04:00

NPR apologizes to 'The Paris Review' and Philip Gourevitch for this story. In the piece, we failed to allow Mr. Gourevitch any opportunity to answer former editors who questioned his stewardship of the magazine. In fact, the new 'Paris Review' includes six items -- including a fiction debut by an American author, some works in translation, and poetry -- that, in the view of NPR, uphold the vision of the literary magazine's founder, George Plimpton.
Morning Edition

A Last Ride: The Harley Hearse

Corrected on 2005-09-29T11:13:21-04:00

The audio of this story incorrectly identifies the title of Warren Zevon's last album before his death. That album was 'The Wind'.
All Things Considered

Medal of Honor for Holocaust Survivor, Korea Vet

Corrected on 2005-09-29T18:17:52-04:00

The audio of this story incorrectly identifies Rubin's army unit. It should be the 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.
Morning Edition

Bird Flu Deaths Cause Worry in Indonesia

Corrected on 2005-09-29T11:11:29-04:00

This story reported that WHO had enough of the anti-viral drug Tamiflu to treat 12,000 people. The correct figure is 120,000.
Morning Edition

U.S. Forces Struggle to Contain Iraqi Insurgency

Corrected on 2005-09-22T08:57:03-04:00

Gen. Joseph Hoar's rank was misstated in the on-air version of this story. He is a retired four-star Marine Corps general.
All Things Considered

Hispanic Growth Reflected in Media Boom

Corrected on 2005-07-30T20:53:48-04:00

A referernce to the origin of bachata music is in error. It's originally from the Dominican Republic.
All Things Considered

British Report Puts Iraqi Deaths at 25,000

Corrected on 2005-07-27T12:34:38-04:00

Former Gen. Tommy Franks was referring to U.S. casualties in Afghanistan, nor Iraq, when he said, "We don't do body counts."
Morning Edition

Yahoo Positions Itself as Hollywood Player

Corrected on 2005-07-20T14:38:40-04:00

In this segment, a song attributed to Jib Jab was, in fact, produced by Consumers Union, but appears on the Jib Jab Web site.
All Things Considered

Documentary Captures 'March of the Penguins'

Corrected on 2006-03-14T17:02:44-05:00

A physical description of a female penguin heard in the original audio for this story has been changed in the archived version. The penguin has a fur-like flap of feathers, but not actual fur.
Morning Edition

Plan Could Reduce Waste Sent to Yucca Mountain

Corrected on 2005-06-21T14:00:09-04:00

Matthew Bunn of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government was incorrectly cited as saying that reprocessed fuel would be ten times as expensive as traditional uranium fuel. Instead, Bunn says, "the uranium price would have to go up to over 10 times the average price paid by U.S. utilities last year before reprocessing would be competitive economically." Since the uranium price is a small fraction of the total fuel price, this is a very different statement.
Morning Edition

Franklin Faces Additional Charges

Corrected on 2005-06-30T08:19:03-04:00

Former Defense Department analyst Larry Franklin hasn't been charged with spying, as the story says, but is charged with passing government secrets to unauthorized persons.
Morning Edition

Syrian Leaders to Address Economic Problems

Corrected on 2005-06-09T11:52:46-04:00

This story incorrectly reported that 20 percent of the Syrian population is unemployed. In fact, 20 percent of the Syrian workforce is unemployed.
Morning Edition

Geldof Continues Fight Against African Poverty

Corrected on 2007-10-15T13:23:37-04:00

In this story, we incorrectly stated that Richard Curtis directed the movie 'Four Weddings and a Funeral.' He wrote it.
Morning Edition

Scientists Take Up Plight of Parasites

Corrected on 2005-06-09T11:34:47-04:00

This report incorrectly referred to long-toed salamanders as lizards. They are amphibians.
All Things Considered

Senate Confirms Owen as Appeals Court Judge

Corrected on 2005-05-26T15:06:46-04:00

In the audio for this feature, the Senate vote to confirm Priscilla Owen was misstated. It was 55-43.
Talk of the Nation

Blogging Poses New Workplace Issues

Corrected on 2006-05-23T17:46:13-04:00

The audio in this segment misstated that an employee of the health-care company Kaiser Permanente was let go for a blog entry which revealed confidential information about a patient. Rather, the employee was sued for an entry which linked to a patient's information.
Morning Edition

Kansas Weighs Alternates to Teaching Evolution

Corrected on 2008-03-20T12:41:56-04:00

This report mistakenly said that evolution is a way of explaining how life began. Darwin's theory explains how the diversity of different life forms came to be but does not address the origin of life.
Morning Edition

England Awaits Sentencing in Abu Ghraib Case

Corrected on 2005-05-05T10:46:18-04:00

This story incorrectly reported that civilian and military courts have a different standard for evaluating guilty pleas. That is is incorrect. As in the military, judges in federal and many state courts must determine that a guilty plea is voluntary and based in fact.
All Things Considered

U.S. Soldier Sentenced to Death for 2003 Attack on Unit

Corrected on 2009-09-30T11:17:05-04:00

A version of this story broadcast Thursday incorrectly said this is the first time since 1966 that a U.S. service member has been sentenced to death. It was the first time since 1996.
Morning Edition

Hue: Imperial City Turned Battleground

Corrected on 2005-05-12T18:33:45-04:00

North Vietnamese and Viet Cong guerillas caught the American and South Vietnamese forces by surprise in the 1968 Tet Offensive. The report originally said that only Viet Cong guerillas surprised U.S. troops.
Morning Edition

Crisis in the Episcopal Church

Corrected on 2005-04-27T19:42:14-04:00

A version of this story broadcast Wednesday incorrectly identified the title held by the Rev. Gene Robinson. He is bishop of New Hampshire.

Release of HIV/AIDS List Probed in Florida

Corrected on 2009-09-30T11:56:05-04:00

Audio for this story is not available. The initial broadcast about the disclosure erroneously suggested that RealMed, a medical clearinghouse, was responsible for sending the letters. RealMed had no role in writing or sending the letters. Also, the story erroneously reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not support HIV reporting because of fears that will deter people from being tested. The CDC has advised all states to collect HIV data as an extension of their AIDS surveillance effort. And it has found no evidence name-based HIV reporting is a deterrent to testing. NPR regrets the errors.
All Things Considered

Looking Back at 'Your Hit Parade'

Corrected on 2005-04-21T20:21:00-04:00

The song "Dance with Me Henry" was a cover of Etta James' "Roll with Me Henry." The title of the original is not "Work with Me Annie."
News & Notes

Examining the Future of Black News Media

Corrected on 2005-04-28T09:19:56-04:00

This report misidentified the 'Atlanta Daily World' newspaper as another publication. We regret the error, and apologize.
Morning Edition

No Child Left Behind Under Fire in Utah

Corrected on 2005-05-05T11:03:42-04:00

In this story, the reporter incorrectly stated that a school "deemed as failing by federal officials runs the risk of losing federal funds." A public school is not judged by the federal government but by the state. If it fails to meet targets, it faces a variety of interventions but does not risk losing federal funds.
Morning Edition

Decision Makers: Inside the Operating Room

Corrected on 2005-04-15T14:38:06-04:00

We incorrectly reported that Dr. Benjamin Carson was the first to successfully separate twins connected at the head; there were other doctors before him.
Morning Edition

U.N. Struggles with Congo Peacekeeping Mission

Corrected on 2005-04-15T14:39:34-04:00

This story incorrectly said that there have "never" been democratic elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo. National elections were held in May of 1960 -- during the final days of Belgian colonial rule.
All Things Considered

Iraq Struggles to Meet Electricity Needs

Corrected on 2005-04-14T20:56:06-04:00

Temperatures in Iraq do not reach 140 degrees in summer, as reported. The highest temperature ever recorded anywhere is 136. Baghdad in the middle of summer averages 110.
Morning Edition

Opus Dei and the Pope

Corrected on 2005-04-07T11:23:58-04:00

We incorrectly said the canonization of Opus Dei's founder was the fastest in church history. We should have said the fastest in modern church history. Earlier saints, such as Francis of Assissi, were canonized more quickly.
All Things Considered

In Giving I Connect With Others

Corrected on 2005-12-29T00:00:00-05:00

The archived Web audio differs from the version that originally broadcast. It correctly identifies Salvador Allende as the president of Chile at the time of his death.
Talk of the Nation

In Florida, Planting Coffee -- and Hope

Corrected on 2005-04-04T12:17:29-04:00

This report and the accompanying Web text mistakenly implied the Florida farm in the story could become the first profitable coffee farm in the United States. Listeners in Hawaii were quick to point out their rich, robust history with the bean.
Morning Edition

Prospects for Democracy in Central Asia

Corrected on 2005-03-31T14:26:57-05:00

Some listeners may have heard a version of this story that incorrectly said Kyrgyzstan borders Afghanistan. That mistake was corrected for later broadcasts.
Morning Edition

Final Four Recap

Corrected on 2005-03-31T14:28:07-05:00

Commentator John Feinstein said Rick Pitino is the "first coach in history" to take three different teams to the Final Four. But women's basketball coach C. Vivian Stringer has taken Cheney State, Iowa and Rutgers to the Final Four.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Biologists Discover Carnivorous Fairy Shrimp

Corrected on 2005-04-07T16:49:24-04:00

This story says decades had passed since a new species had been discovered in the United States. Many listeners pointed out the inaccuracy. See the April 3 story below for clarification.
Morning Edition

Critics Say EPA Mercury Rule Rolls Back Protections

Corrected on 2005-03-31T00:00:00-05:00

We incorrectly reported that the fish pollock, one of the biggest sources of mercury, is usually imported: Most pollock Americans eat comes from U.S. waters in the Bering Sea.
Morning Edition

Donald Knuth, Founding Artist of Computer Science

Corrected on 2005-03-25T14:36:17-05:00

This report incorrectly states that 256 is written like 10 million (or a 1 followed by 7 zeroes). It looks like 100 million, or a 1 followed by 8 zeroes.
Morning Edition

New Mexico Hate Crime Law Put to Test

Corrected on 2005-03-24T14:56:47-05:00

This story incorrectly states that Santa Fe has the second-largest number of gay couples in America. It should have stated the second-largest number of gay couples per capita in America.
Morning Edition

Ohio Leaders Plan to Fight NASA Budget Cuts

Corrected on 2005-03-10T15:07:55-05:00

This report mentions a contract for a new White House helicopter and incorrectly states that Boeing won the contract. Lockheed Martin won the contract, and the helicopter is expected to roll off the assembly line in 2009
Morning Edition

Measuring Happiness with a Palm Reading

Corrected on 2005-02-15T10:16:59-05:00

This story incorrectly stated the number of times that kidney-disease patients in the study underwent dialysis sessions. These patients underwent dialysis three times a week.
All Things Considered

Boxer's Bout with Rice Draws Notice

Corrected on 2005-01-30T13:40:11-05:00

The introduction to the story should have said that 12 Senate Democrats and Senate Independent James Jeffords voted against confirming Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State.
All Things Considered

Document Renews Debate On Vatican Role in WWII

Corrected on 2005-01-27T20:16:25-05:00

A section of this piece was omitted. As a result it fails to adequately represent the views of Catholics advocating the beatification of Pope Pius XII.
All Things Considered

Photos Surface of Iraq Abuse by British Soldiers

Corrected on 2005-01-20T18:39:41-05:00

The name of a British politician was mispronounced in this story. Sir Menzies Campbell's first name is pronounced "ming-is."
Morning Edition

Logistics Tangle Relief Efforts in Sri Lanka

Corrected on 2005-02-02T15:04:07-05:00

This story misquoted TRO volunteer Suren Sornalingham. Sornalingham said trucks had been seized and items taken, but did NOT attribute those actions to the Tamil Tigers.