NPR Corrections : NPR

NPR Corrections

NPR corrects significant errors in broadcast and online reports. Corrections of errors will be made in audio archives, written transcripts and on the website. To report an error, please use our corrections form.

Morning Edition

Lacking Options, Officials Keep Schizophrenic in Jail

Corrected on 2007-12-20T12:43:21-05:00

In the broadcast version of this report, and in an earlier version of the story published online, we said that Jonathan Ramos was incarcerated after riding off on a bicycle from the Wal-Mart in St. Thomas. In fact, the store was a Kmart.
Weekend Edition Saturday

Charges Dropped in Long-Running Terrorism Case

Corrected on 2008-01-08T11:15:33-05:00

The audio for this story contains an inaccuracy: Only six of the eight suspects in the "L.A. 8" case were Muslim.
Morning Edition

Army Captains Critique Iraq War

Corrected on 2007-11-28T20:54:35-05:00

Versions of this story heard on air incorrectly characterized Luis Montalvan's parents. Both were born in the United States. The archived audio has been edited to remove the error.
All Things Considered

Book Deals Go Down Easily at Michael's

Corrected on 2007-12-06T13:52:18-05:00

Diane Clehane's blog at should have been identified as "Lunch at Michael's."
Morning Edition

Weak Dollar Can Bode Well for Manufacturers

Corrected on 2007-12-03T15:52:08-05:00

The audio does not make it clear that Romania "redominated" its currency in early 2005, essentially revaluing it to bring it more in line with other European currencies. This was seen as a preliminary step before the adoption of the Euro, which is to take place within a few years.
All Things Considered

Are All Soaps Created Equal?

Corrected on 2017-07-11T00:00:00-04:00

A previous version of this report said the CBC's studio is in Colona, British Columbia. That was a misspelling of the city's name. It is Kelowna.

Morning Edition

Seniors Urged to Research Their Drug-Plan Options

Corrected on 2007-11-15T20:19:12-05:00

In this story, NPR reported that about a quarter of low-income people who receive Medicare's extra help for drug costs will need to switch drug plans to keep the government subsidy. Actually, they can stay in their current plans and keep the extra help, but they'll have to pay higher premiums to do so. The story below has been revised accordingly.
Morning Edition

Fisk University Hopes to Sell Art to Keep Afloat

Corrected on 2007-11-14T12:37:51-05:00

The original introduction to this story incorrectly stated that Fisk University anticipated shutting down due to a cash shortage. The school has no plans to close.
Weekend Edition Saturday

Where's Obama?

Corrected on 2007-11-15T16:36:36-05:00

The college in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Sen. Obama was scheduled to speak is misidentified in the audio of this story. It is Kirkwood Community College.
Morning Edition

FBI and Universities Unite to Fight Terror

Corrected on 2007-11-08T17:15:46-05:00

Early versions of the radio story mistakenly identified the former FBI director. His name is J. Edgar Hoover.
All Things Considered

NYC Mandates Reporting of Diabetes Test Results

Corrected on 2007-11-07T11:14:07-05:00

A few corrections to the audio of this story: Patients do know that the testing is being done. It is the New York City Board of Health -- not the city council -- that is requiring labs to forward test results to the city health department. Also, test results -- not medical records -- will be retained in health department files.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Is 'Soft Partition' a Viable Solution for Iraq?

Corrected on 2007-10-14T13:30:49-04:00

Trans-Jordan was created in 1921 by Britain, not in 1948 by the United Nations, as Daniel Schorr notes in this commentary.
Morning Edition

College Sports Coverage: Out of Bounds?

Corrected on 2007-09-28T09:58:25-04:00

The audio version of this story said the starting quarterback for Oklahoma State was benched last year. He was benched last week.
All Things Considered

Artists of Battlefield Deception: Soldiers of the 23rd

Corrected on 2007-10-02T00:00:00-04:00

The audio version of this story notes that after the war, the soldiers of the 23rd were told to keep their experiences secret. In fact, some were told and some were not. Jack Masey, who is quoted in this report, was not told.
All Things Considered

Winners Welcome MacArthur 'Genius Grants'

Corrected on 2007-09-30T16:11:13-04:00

The audio version of this story misidentifies the professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who studies the role of race relations in American medicine. She is Dr. Lisa Cooper, not Dr. Linda Cooper.
Morning Edition

WWII Vets Receive Salutes

Corrected on 2007-09-26T17:39:07-04:00

This report incorrectly said that Steve Nolan is a psychologist. He is a clinical social worker.
Weekend Edition Saturday

Paris' Popular Bike Program May Inspire Others

Corrected on 2007-09-20T16:52:40-04:00

An earlier version of this story said it costs about $7 for an annual bike pass. It is about $7 for a weekly pass.
Day to Day

California Attorney General Recalls Honorary Badges

Corrected on 2007-09-07T14:12:19-04:00

In citing a bit of movie dialogue and attributing it to Blazing Saddles, we neglected to mention Treasure of the Sierra Madre as the original source of the quotation.
All Things Considered

Clerics Who Opposed Gay Bishop Return to U.S.

Corrected on 2007-09-09T16:03:07-04:00

The home states of two clerics mentioned in the story are misattributed in the audio. Bill Atwood is from Texas. Bill Murdoch is from Massachusetts.
Morning Edition

Taiwan's Acer to Acquire Gateway Computer

Corrected on 2007-08-28T15:13:51-04:00

The audio for this story misplaces the headquarters of Dell, which is based in Austin, Texas.
Morning Edition

U.N. Peacekeepers Prepare for Darfur Deployment

Corrected on 2007-08-28T16:29:58-04:00

An earlier version of this summary incorrectly identified Jane Holl Lute as the head of the U.N. Peacekeeping Office. She is a top official in the office, but is not in charge of it. The error remains in the audio version of this story.
Day to Day

Allawi Lobbies for al-Maliki's Replacement

Corrected on 2007-08-25T07:50:47-04:00

Haley Barbour is misidentified in a reference to the law firm of Barbour, Griffith & Rogers. He is the current governor of Mississippi.
All Things Considered

Arts Boards Struggle with Changing Roles

Corrected on 2007-08-24T11:43:49-04:00

The co-editor of "The Art of Governance," quoted in the archived audio for this story, is misidentified. Her name is Jaan Whitehead.
Morning Edition

Jazz Legend Max Roach Dies at 83

Corrected on 2007-11-19T10:13:02-05:00

The audio version of this story incorrectly said that singer Abbey Lincoln was Max Roach's first wife. She was his second wife.
All Things Considered

Hezbollah Commemorates Costly 'Divine Victory'

Corrected on 2007-10-28T11:54:05-04:00

In the broadcast and original Web version of this story, NPR stated that last year's conflict between Israel and Hezbollah erupted when Hezbollah launched a cross-border raid and captured two Israeli soldiers. NPR then said that Israel unleashed air strikes and sent troops and tanks across the border, and Hezbollah retaliated by firing Katyusha rockets into Israel. In fact, Hezbollah launched an initial round of Katyushas at the time of its cross-border raid. The Katyusha attacks escalated and expanded to most parts of northern Israel after the Israeli air strikes began. The Web version below has been corrected.
All Things Considered

Are Generic Biotech Drugs Coming Soon?

Corrected on 2007-08-17T16:55:38-04:00

At the time this story aired neither the House nor Senate had voted on legislation. There have been two hearings in subcommittees of the House of Representatives, and a Senate committee has approved legislation.
All Things Considered

Specialty Crops and the Farm Bill

Corrected on 2007-08-08T14:31:10-04:00

The audio version of this story said the farm bill passed last week. The measure was approved July 27.
All Things Considered

Lee Hazlewood: Writer Gave Music Biz the 'Boots'

Corrected on 2007-08-17T16:54:18-04:00

The broadcast version of this story used a snippet of the 'Peter Gunn' theme to illustrate Duane Eddy's singular guitar style, which Lee Hazlewood helped create. That tune was written, however, by Henry Mancini. The audio linked above has been amended.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Democrats Court Liberal Bloggers at YearlyKos

Corrected on 2007-08-06T13:07:42-04:00

The audio version of this story incorrectly reported that six Democratic candidates appeared at the YearlyKos convention.
All Things Considered

FBI Director Contradicts Gonzales Testimony

Corrected on 2007-07-27T13:13:48-04:00

The broadcast version of this story misidentified a member of Congress. We said it was Stephen Cohen, Democrat of Tennessee; we should have said it was Artur Davis, Democrat of Alabama.
Morning Edition

Bulgaria Celebrates Nurses' Release from Libya

Corrected on 2007-07-29T10:26:47-04:00

An earlier version of the audio for this story misidentified Physicians for Human Rights as Physicians Without Borders. The error has been corrected in this version.
Day to Day

How to Avoid Foreclosure on Your Home

Corrected on 2007-07-31T16:30:37-04:00

An organization mentioned in the audio version of this piece was misidentified. Its name is NeighborWorks America.
Morning Edition

Chinese Tourists Drawn to French Town's History

Corrected on 2007-07-12T14:03:44-04:00

The on-air version of this story, and an earlier version on the Web site, incorrectly stated that Mao Zedong had been in France.
Morning Edition

Internet Radio Silently Protests Royalties

Corrected on 2007-06-26T14:00:57-04:00

Jonathan Potter, executive director of Digital Media Association, was misidentified in early broadcasts of this story.
All Things Considered

Report Calls for Leadership Overhaul at Smithsonian

Corrected on 2007-06-22T11:38:30-04:00

The audio version of this story should have identified Sen. Charles Grassley as the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.
All Things Considered

U.S. Nuclear Warhead Numbers Are Kept Secret

Corrected on 2007-06-11T07:26:31-04:00

The radio version of this story incorrectly reports Robert Norris' estimate of the U.S. nuclear stockpile. According to Norris' figures, cutting the stockpile in half would leave about 5,000 in the stockpile.
Weekend Edition Sunday

Smithsonian, Congress Share a Turbulent History

Corrected on 2007-05-26T12:19:39-04:00

This story erroneously suggests that the balloons used for reconnaissance during the Civil War belonged to the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian never sent balloons up for reconnaissance during the Civil War. Smithsonian Secretary Joseph Henry advised President Lincoln that balloons would be feasible for reconnaissance and put the president in touch with the balloonist Thaddeus Lowe. Lowe went on to form the Union Army Balloon Corps.
All Things Considered

Episode 1: It's All About Carbon

Corrected on 2009-11-09T00:00:00-05:00

The on-air version of this story stated that energy is released when carbon-atom bonds are broken. To be more precise, energy is released after the bond is broken and carbon atoms grab on to other atoms.
Morning Edition

Massive Particle Accelerator Revving Up

Corrected on 2008-04-11T14:22:07-04:00

Ooops, even the great minds make mistakes. This story stated that each proton in the accelerator carries the energy of a bus. This is wrong. But added together all the protons in the machine will carry the equivalent energy of a 10-ton bus moving at 170 mph. Likewise the energy of the protons is not equivalent, as stated, to kilotons of TNT, but to some 360 pounds of TNT. Also, the machine is currently scheduled to begin operation in November.
Weekend Edition Saturday

Week in Review: Iraq, Pelosi and the EPA's Powers

Corrected on 2007-04-09T08:22:57-04:00

The archived audio contains an error: Mitt Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts. His father, George Romney, was governor of Michigan.
All Things Considered

Coming Around to See the Point of The Knife

Corrected on 2007-10-30T18:53:42-04:00

The archived audio mistakenly identifies the song and CD. The correct title for both is "Silent Shout."
All Things Considered

Computer Glitch Worsened a Bad Day for Stocks

Corrected on 2007-03-02T12:29:36-05:00

The audio archived online differs from the story as it was originally broadcast. The original version misidentified the company for which Abelardo Gonzalez works. He works for Keynote Systems.
All Things Considered

Lorraine Gordon, Keeper of a Shrine to Jazz

Corrected on 2008-06-19T00:00:00-04:00

We originally reported that Lorraine Gordon was 70 years old when her husband died in 1989. In fact, she was 67.
Day to Day

Being Christopher Walken

Corrected on 2007-02-20T11:46:45-05:00

The audio of this story states that the Walken show features seven performers. The actual number is eight.
Morning Edition

New Citizenship Test Gets Dry Run

Corrected on 2007-02-16T12:46:26-05:00

In some broadcast versions of this story, the spokesman for People for the American Way was misidentified. He should have been identified as Andrew Stengel.
All Things Considered

Jim Harrison's Legends of Lyrical Fiction

Corrected on 2007-02-09T00:00:00-05:00

The audio for this story incorrectly locates Jim Harrison's place of birth. He was born in Grayling, Mich., which is in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula.
Morning Edition

Military Shows Off Experimental Heat Ray

Corrected on 2007-04-10T10:36:56-04:00

In the broadcast version of this story, NPR incorrectly stated that the ray gun penetrates 1/16th of an inch into the skin. The U.S. military says the ray gun penetrates 1/64th of an inch into the skin.
All Things Considered

The Dispute over Security Screeners and Unions

Corrected on 2019-01-11T00:00:00-05:00

In a previous version of the Web intro to this story, we incorrectly called the TSA the Transportation Safety Administration. It is the Transportation Security Administration.